Is the Human Soul Sexual?
In Search of the Truth about Human Sexuality Cover Image

Czy dusza ludzka jest płciowa? W poszukiwaniu prawdy o ludzkiej płciowości
Is the Human Soul Sexual? In Search of the Truth about Human Sexuality

Author(s): Andrzej Maryniarczyk
Subject(s): Social Philosophy
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego (TNFS)
Keywords: soul; body; sex; woman; man; person; gender; anthropology; metaphysics;

Summary/Abstract: This article is one of the first attempts to answer the question about the ontological basis of human sexuality. Is sexuality an indispensable element of being human? Or is it just an element of our cultural diversity? In the discussion on this problem, the medieval form of the “discussed issue” was used, in which the objections can be included in the structure, and then a solution of the problem can be proposed and the responds to the allegations.In the part containing the explanations, the author refers to the method of metaphysical explanation, in which are pointed out the objective factors that legitimately explain the examined fact. These explanations are complemented by theological explanations, which have a large philosophical character, as well as those taken from neurological sciences. The whole of the analysis is aimed at proving that “the human soul is inherently sexual”, and therefore being a man or a woman is an inalienable way of the existence of a human person.

  • Issue Year: 40/2019
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 47-80
  • Page Count: 34
  • Language: Polish
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