The Fight for Truth as the Main Problem of the Polish Policy and Political History Cover Image

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The Fight for Truth as the Main Problem of the Polish Policy and Political History

Author(s): Ewa Tylus
Subject(s): Sociology
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego (TNFS)
Keywords: historical politics; historical truth; remembrance;

Summary/Abstract: The importance of reflection on the most important aspects of political history and its goals should be strongly emphasized. The main role of that history is not just cultivating and remembering the historical truth by such acts as building monuments and organizing various marches and parades commemorating historical events, but it rather consists in defending and proclaiming the truth about those events. It is worth considering how it is possible that historical truth can be so distorted today and what role different views and concepts play in the study of history.

  • Issue Year: 40/2019
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 107-120
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Polish
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