Analysis of the modernist-socialist heritage in the Republic of Moldova through four case studies Cover Image

Analiza patrimoniului modernist-socialist în Republica Moldova prin patru studii de caz
Analysis of the modernist-socialist heritage in the Republic of Moldova through four case studies

Author(s): Dumitru Rusu
Subject(s): History, Cultural history, History of ideas, Recent History (1900 till today)
Published by: Facultatea de Istorie și Geografie, Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă”
Keywords: socialist modernism;heritage;Soviet Moldavia;

Summary/Abstract: Buildings of historical value are gradually disappearing under the idle eyes of passive authorities. The purpose of this research is to analyze and describewhat steps are necessary in order to include the valuable socialist modernistarchitecture from the Republic of Moldova in the world architectural heritage.Field data presenting the current state of 4 socialist modernist landmarks in theRepublic of Moldova found these buildings in an advanced state of decay andrequiring immediate intervention. The most effective way to improve the stateof such historical buildings is to create an appropriate legislation that wouldinclude them in the global heritage network.

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