The Application of the Bushido – Samurai Code
Principles within Romanian Companies Cover Image

The Application of the Bushido – Samurai Code Principles within Romanian Companies
The Application of the Bushido – Samurai Code Principles within Romanian Companies

Author(s): Nobumichi Watahiki, Yoshikazu Matsui, Violeta Mihaela Dincă, Iulia Waniek
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management
Published by: EDITURA ASE
Keywords: Bushido; samurai code; strategic management; Romanian companies;

Summary/Abstract: Holding a managerial position within a company in 2019 is a challenging task and withinthis period the business climate is a dynamic one. When conceiving rightful strategies,managers should take into account every detail regarding the fast-changing Romanianbusiness environment.Bushido is one of the oldest moral systems in Japan and refers to a code of honour andstandards that commanded the samurai way of life and these principles advanced by Bushidoare still worthy in several corporate systems. Several studies showed how using the attributesof ‘Bushido’ can lead managers to become more effective and prosperous in their business andcan help them establish and maintain a credible image within the industry.For this study, interviews were taken in order to obtain the views of the representatives of37 corporations in Romania and the objectives of the study were to: (1) To assess whichcanons of Bushido are being implemented by managers within the Romanian contemporarybusinesses and are applicable to business context analysis, strategic enforcement & controland development of business partnerships and collaborations, (2) To determine if and howthe extent of incorporating Bushido’s principles within the management strategies andoperations of companies has an effect on the company’s success’ factors.The achieved results of this study can be mentioned as follows. 1. The Bushido code isbeing integrated within the Romanian contemporary organizations’ management andbusiness relationships with other firms. The paper revealed that for almost all the managersincluded in the sample there were recorded notable interrelationships between the Bushidoprinciples and the managers’ goals in the sense that if they apply the Bushido principles ona higher and more developed level, it will be less difficult for them to attain their strategicobjectives. 2. The most significant factors leading to business success achievementobtained due to the application the Bushido principles within the business processes of thecompanies were indicated as: the growth of the company’s and manager’s image andprofessional reputation; prestige and good attitude from the stakeholders; a boost within theresearch and development process and the raise of the quality of business relationships.

  • Issue Year: 22/2020
  • Issue No: 53
  • Page Range: 152-163
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: English
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