Autoprezentacja menedżera w procesie zarządzania wizerunkiem organizacji
Manager’s Self-presentation in the Process of Corporation Image Management
Author(s): Danuta Mierzwa, Sebastian ForjaszSubject(s): Business Economy / Management, Management and complex organizations, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Społeczna Akademia Nauk
Keywords: organisation; image management; public relations
Summary/Abstract: The manuscript is an attempt to show auto self-presentation as a solid pillar of the image management in corporation at the instance of the pharmaceutical industry. Authors clarified purpose, objectives and role of public relations, its practical adhibition in the process of building company’s image. They described image management tools essentially serviceable in creating positive look of manager. Research material was gathered with the use of particularly prepared questionnaire conducted on employees and clients of examined company. Authors used methods of analysis, induction, synthesis and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient in order to evaluate collected research material. The survey results consistently present the importance of self-presentations posture in the process of interpersonal communication in and outside the corporation.
Journal: Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie
- Issue Year: 17/2016
- Issue No: 7.1
- Page Range: 425-437
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish