Супстантивизација у оквиру властитих имена према супстантивизацији у оквиру апелатива (на материјалу руског и српског језика)
Substantivisation within the Category of Proper Names in Relation to Substantivisation within the Category of Appellative (on the corpus of Russian and Serbian languages)
Author(s): Jelena B. LepojevićSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Morphology, Lexis, Comparative Linguistics, Eastern Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, Philology
Published by: Филолошки факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци
Keywords: substantivisation; word formation stem; substantive; proper nouns; common nouns.
Summary/Abstract: Although differences between substantives within the proper name category and those belonging to the appellative group may seem subtle, they are rather significant in terms of morphology and syntax. Apart from the fact that a vast number of substantives belong to the common noun group, most of them are contextual in terms of their character, whereas the ones related to proper nouns have been fully lexicalised and are considered independent lexemes.
Journal: Филолог – часопис за језик, књижевност и културу
- Issue Year: 2014
- Issue No: 10
- Page Range: 61-70
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Serbian