Academician Alexandru Ciubotaru (February 20, 1932 – April 26, 2017) Cover Image

Academicianul Alexandru Ciubotaru (20 februarie 1932 – 26 aprilie 2017)
Academician Alexandru Ciubotaru (February 20, 1932 – April 26, 2017)

Author(s): Constantin Toma
Subject(s): Scientific Life
Published by: Asociația Cultural Științifică „Dimitrie Ghika-Comănești”
Keywords: botanist; embryologist; cytologist; biotechnologist; founder; botanica; garden;

Summary/Abstract: Academician Alexandru Ciubotaru, prestigious scientific personality of Botany from the Republic of Moldova, active presence in Romania, especially after 1990, among colleagues and collaborators from Iasi and Bucharest Botanical Gardens, passed away among us on 26th of Aprilie 2017. Academician Alexandru Ciubotaru disappearance is a great loss for us who we have known and benefited from his experience, advice and guidance to its membership in the Scientific Council of the magazine „COLUMNA”. Its activity was carried out in many scientific areas: karyology, cytology, embryology, cytogenetic and biotechnology. In the foreground there were structural botanical researches and experiments on corn and other crops important for the Moldavian economy. With passion and originality approached research that has an important role in the development of theoretical and practical plant embryology. Alexandru Ciubotaru founded Cito-plant embryology Lab from Botanical Garden (Institute) in Chisinau, where he formed a school in the area. As doctoral head he prepared 60 specialists, for which he was an invaluable advisor as a teacher and embryologist. Unsurpassed phyto-embryologist with many achievements in the field of landscaping, Alexandru Ciubotaru published as single author or in collaboration, over 750 original articles, monographs, summaries, essays, reviews, disseminating materials, patents. In the circles of botanists he enjoyed respect high appreciation and he has been invited to participate in many specialized meetings held in the country and abroad. His works were quoted in various syntheses and treatises published in the country and abroad. As director of the Botanical Garden of Chisinau (1964–1987; 1995–2006) he participated in all efforts that were made for the new location of the institution. Together with his team he achieve a competent and active work on solving the location, organization of land, planning the various sections, building greenhouses and laboratories. Botanical Garden (Institute) of Chisinau is a masterpiece of his work, his life and therefore he is considered the founder of this national pride institution.

  • Issue Year: 2017
  • Issue No: 6
  • Page Range: 93-96
  • Page Count: 4
  • Language: Romanian
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