Documente din Rășinari (sec. XIV-XVIII). Traducerea în latină (după 1761) a cărții ocolniță (1488) și a extrasului actului de danie (1383)
Records from Rășinari (14th-18th Centuries). The Latin Translation (after 1761) of the ”Cartea Ocolniță” (1488) and of the Extract from the Deed of Donation (1383)
Author(s): Vasile RusSubject(s): Cultural history, Local History / Microhistory, 13th to 14th Centuries, 15th Century, 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
Published by: Editura Academiei Române
Keywords: Transmissionales; 1784; trial deeds; Rășinari; Sibiu Magistrate; remissional and transmissional letters; tables; conscriptions; 14th -18th centuries;
Summary/Abstract: The trial deeds of the village of Rășinari against the Magistrate (Council) of the city of Sibiu were included in the volume of Transmissionales in Causa Possessionis Resinar contra Liberam Regiamque Civitatem Cibiniensem 1784, 1.318 pages. The comprehensive annexes of this volume, which contain all the documents that were significant for the history and possessory rights of Rășinari, start with the translation from „Wallachian” (Romanian) into Latin of two documents, that in the 18th century were considered to have a founding value: 1) cartea ocolniță of 1488, describing the reambulatio of the village boundaries between Rășinari and Cisnădie, „the big neighbours”; 2) the extract from an act of donation from 1383, when certain estates were donated to the Saint Paraschiva’s Church of Rășinari. Our debate concerns the Latin version of both Romanian documents, as well as the importance granted in the 18 th century to these documents, that were used during the above mentioned process.Our edition of documents, published ‒ most of them ‒ for the first time in Latin transcription and Romanian translation, includes, besides those mentioned from 1488 and 1383, further important trial deeds, imperial diplomas, remissional and transmissional letters, tables and conscriptions, ending with the summary index of the volume Transmissionales from Rășinari.The documentary annexes of this edition comprise the following documents:1.1. [Rășinari,] 22 May 1488. Cartea ocolniță, translated from Romanian into Latin;1.2. [Rășinari,] 7 January 1383. Extract from the act of donation, in Latin translation from Romanian;2.1. Sibiu, 4 June 1773. Letter of testimony, in Latin translation, about the cartea ocolniță found on 5 June 1755 by mason master Johannes Drotlich in the Church of Saint Paraschiva from Rășinari;2.2. Sibiu, 4 June 1773. The German original of Drotlich’s testimony;3. [Rășinari, 1781.] Mention of the topographical map, showing the village borders of Rășinari;4. [Sadu, 30 December 1776.] Questions no. 1-3 and 8 of the examination of witnesses from 1776-1777, regarding the possessory rights of Rășinari;5. [Sadu, 30 December 1776.] Tănase Oancea’s testimony about the village borders of Rășinari and about the cartea ocolniță found when the old church was demolished;6. [Sadu, 30 December 1776.] The testimony of the Greek-Catholic archpriest Nicolae Pop from Sadu, who ‒ as trustee and archpriest of the above mentioned great church in Rășinari ‒ had transmitted to his bishop Petru Pavel Aron the book discovered by Saxon masons in the church foundation, cartea ocolniță.7.1. Sibiu, 22 October 1467. The remissional letter of king Mathias Corvinus, who sold for 250 florins the possession of Rășinari to the city inhabitants from Sibiu, diploma copied in the volume Transmissionales ...;7.2. Sibiu, 22 October 1467. The same remissional letter, reproduced in Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der Deutschen in Siebenbürgen, vol. VI (1981);8. [Rășinari/Sibiu, 1784]. Copy of the certificate, in which the villagers from Rășinari apparently „admit” that they never had a genuine border letter, like cartea ocolniță;9.1. Sibiu, November 1700. The document, entitled Miseria et Status Pagorum Poplak, Roschinar, Michelsberg, Helthau, Czod, Vesten, Moichen ex Commissione Illustrissimi Domini Domini Johannis Sachs ab Hartenek Comitis et Consulis Saxonum in Transsilvania (Misery and State of the Villages Poplaca, Răşinari, Cisnădioara, Cisnădie, Sadu, Veştem, Mohu, [investigated] by command of Honourable Johann Sachs von Harteneck, Count of the Saxons in Transylvania and Consul [Mayor] of Sibiu), includes a description of Rășinari in 1700, in which the village lands and its council of 40 Old Men (quadraginta seniorum viratus) are also mentioned;9.2. Rășinari, November 1700. Conscription table with the names, state and age of the villagers, the number of their cows, sheep, cattle, their taxes, contributions, interests and debts;9.3. Rășinari, November 1700. Conscription table with the names and age of the fugitives from Rășinari, including their refugee places and the goods taken with them;9.4. Rășinari, November 1700. Collective answers of the villagers, responding to the instruction inquiry, as regards the village’s rights of possession;9.5. Sibiu, 1750. From the fiscal conscription of Transylvania, the descriptions of the settlements Cisnădioara, Rășinari, and Sibiu are presented;10. [Sibiu, 5 February 1784.] Deliberation (Deliberatum) of the Transylvanian Gubernium, regarding the 7 complaints exposed by the village community from Rășinari against the Magistrate (Council) of the city of Sibiu, analysed in virtue of several documents presented by both litigant parties;11. Sibiu, 5 February 1784. Decision (Deliberatum) of the Transylvanian Gubernium, in the process of the village Rășinari against the Sibiu Magistrate, followed by the revision of the procedural acts, that were being sent to the Supreme Court of Justice to Vienna;12. [Sibiu, 5 February 1784.] Table with the expedition and decision taxes of 164 florins, spent for sending the procedural acts to Vienna;13. [Rășinari/Sibiu, after 5 February 1784.] Index of the transmissional register, containing the acts of the reconventional process between the village community of Rășinari and the Magistrate of Sibiu, elaborated considering the appeal made to the Supreme Court of Justice in Vienna.
Journal: Anuarul Institutului de Istorie »George Bariţiu« - Series HISTORICA - Supliment
- Issue Year: LIX/2020
- Issue No: LIX/Sup
- Page Range: 287-383
- Page Count: 97
- Language: Romanian