Author(s): Tiberiu Ciobanu
Subject(s): History of Church(es), History of Religion
Published by: Mitropolia Banatului
Keywords: Banat; Middle Ages; Historiography; Annnals of Banat; archives; museum; archaeology; church; monastery; monograph;

Summary/Abstract: Ioachim Miloia was born on 3 May 1897 at Ferendia, Timis county. He attended the village school until 1908 when his family moved to Caransebeş. Here he continued his studies until 1919. He graduated from the Theological and Pedagogic School in 1919. He attended the University of Bucharest where he was student in the third year at the Faculty of Belles – Lettres (1919-1920). At the same time he took fine – arts courses at the Academy of Bucharest. At the end of 1920, Ioachim Miloia went to study in Italy. He graduated from the Fine Arts Institute of Rome. He took his degree with a religious work called ‘Iisus înviind faţa văduvei din Naine (Ioachim Miloia, Scrisori din Italia, Eurostampa Press, Timişoara, 2004, p.7). He continued his studies in Rome until 1927. In this period he was awarded a Ph.D degree in the History of Arts with his dissertation Curentul goticului internaţional şi fraţii Lorenzo şi Iacopo Salimbenii din San Severino (1924) and in Belles - Lettres with the thesis Legenda crucii în literatura şi arta medievală (1927) both works being written in Italian. In the autumn of 1927 he taught at the Pedagogic School in Timişoara as a substitute teacher, then from 28 January 1928 and up to his death, on 25 March 1940, he was the manager of the Museum of the Banat. From 1937 be was also the manager of the regional direction of the State Archives of Timişoara. He carried on a prodigious activity in different directions. A specialist in museography and archivist he was also the chairman of the Commission of the Historical Monuments – the branch of the Banat; chairman of the cultural and artistic section of the Regionala of the Banat of Astra; professor at the Fine-Arts Academy of Timişoara; professor at the Polytechnic School of Timişoara; the chief of the Cultural Service of Timişoara, a church restorer and painter, editor of the publications ‘Banatul’ and ‘Revista Institutului Social Banat-Crişana’; editor of the ‘Analele Banatului’ (1928-1931). His main works are: Biserica din Lipova, in ’Analele Banatului’ I, 1928; Începuturile artei româneşti în Banat in ’Analele 110 Altarul Banatului Banatului’, issue1, 1930; Biserica medievală din Căvăran, in ’Analele Banatului’, issue 4, 1930; Mănăstirea Săraca, centru de cultura şi artă bănăţeană, in ’Analele Banatului’, issues 2-4, 1931; Cercetări arheologice în Banatul de Sud, in ’Analele Banatului’, issue 4, 1930 in colaboration with (C. Diaconovici); Timişoara văzută de Francisc Griselini la 1774, in ’Analele Banatului’, issue 1, 1928; Colonişti armeni în Banat, in ’Analele Banatului’, issue 2, 1929; Familia Brediceanu în Banat, in ’Analele Banatului’, issue 4, 1930; Portul naţional, in ’Luceafărul’, September-October, 1937. The exceptional activity of Miloia was praised not only in the Banat, but also nationwide. In the obituary published by Nicolae Iorga in ‘Neamul românesc’ (3 April 1940) it is stated that: ’Among the front rankers of the new generation of the Banat I’m looking in vain for a scholar who combined more knowledge with more efficiency in the work done in the brisk trot of a short life than the hard-working intellectual who was- how painfully it is to say - Ioachim Miloia. He is gone at the age of 43 before the time of his reward.’ Unfortunately only 40 years later the personality of Ioachim Miloia became an object of consideration again. In 1971 in Figuri de arhivişti (Bucharest 1971) Tiberiu Moţ published a study Ioachim Miloia regarding his archivist activity. Next year, in ‘Orizont’ magazine (2 November) it was published an article written by Aurel Turcuş: Ioachim Miloia, un erudit muzeolog bănăţean. It marked the beginning of a productive publishing activity dedicated to Ioachim Miloia. In 1997 Mirton Press released the volume Un erudit cărturar Ioachim Miloia (1897-1940) under the auspicies of the Direction of Timiş county of the National Archives of Romania. The volume contains: Cuvânt înainte by prof. Corneliu Mihai Lungu; Omagiu postumby the Right Reverend Nicolae Corneanu, the Metropolitan bishop of the Banat; Viaţa şi activitatea (lui Ioachim Miloia) by Mircea Miloia. Eight studies of Aurel Turcuş dedicated to some aspects regarding the life and work of Ioachim Miloia; Dr. Nicolae Săcară – Ioachim Miloia - cercetător şi protector al monumentelor istorice and Gheorghe Mudura – Ioachim Miloia, întemeietor al Arhivelor Banatului. In 2002, Eurostampa Press printed Ion Traia’s graduation paper called Ioachim Miloia - o personalitate marcantă a culturii bănăţene.

  • Issue Year: XXXI/2020
  • Issue No: 01-03
  • Page Range: 109-141
  • Page Count: 33
  • Language: Romanian
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