Ochrona dóbr kultury w niemiędzynarodowych konfliktach zbrojnych
The protection of cultural property in non-international armed conflicts
Author(s): Patrycja RutkowskaSubject(s): Public Law, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Comparative politics, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Keywords: protection of cultural property; armed conflicts; international humanitarian law; conflict in Syria and Iraq;international customary law;
Summary/Abstract: In her article, the author points out that contemporaryarmed confl icts are often of a non-international nature. She provides theexample of the ongoing confl ict in Syria and Iraq as one in which culturalproperty of universal importance has been at risk of destruction. Basedon the defi nition of non-international armed confl ict, she notes that onlya limited number of treaties belonging to the fi eld of international humanitarian law include provisions aimed at protecting cultural propertyduring an armed confl ict. She praises the inclusion of rules concerningthe safeguarding of cultural property to the general body of internationalcustomary law. She also notes that the introduction of the concept ofindividual responsibility for violations of international humanitarianlaw may pave the way for a more eff icient exercise of rules concerningthe safeguarding of cultural property in armed confl icts.
Journal: Świat Idei i Polityki
- Issue Year: 17/2018
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 137-157
- Page Count: 21
- Language: Polish