Krajobraz w „Wierszach różnych” i w „Wierszach z listami” Ignacego Krasickiego
Landscape in Ignacy Krasicki’s “Wiersze różne” (“Various Poems”) and “Wiersze z listami” (“Poems with Letters”)
Author(s): Marcin CieńskiSubject(s): Studies of Literature
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Ignacy Krasicki; landscape; the Arcadian; landscape in journey description; landscape representation
Summary/Abstract: Landscape presentations in Ignacy Krasicki’s creativity are neither lengthy nor occupy the leading role. Since one finds them in both poetry and in prose, they deserve examination. The analysis of Krasicki’s landscapes is meant to reveal the way they are built, the function they perform and also the mode the writer made references to the landscapes he was familiar with. The article refers to those problems in two collections of Krasicki’s poems, namely “Wiersze różne” (“Various Poems)” and “Wiersze z listami” (“Poems with Letters).” Images of landscapes are found in minority of the pieces from the collections and form no pattern. To produce them, Krasicki first and foremost employs the Arcadian topoi, often modified. The landscape in majority of instances has no separate meaning, but is used in considerations typical of Krasicki’s poetic reflection. Most developed and complex functions of recalling the landscape are found in “List imieniem brata do siostry” (“Brother’s Letter to His Sister)” (a local landscape of Lidzbark and bishop Krasicki’s mansion) and in “Opisanie podróży z Warszawy do Biłgoraja” (“An Account of a Journey from Warsaw to Bilgoray)” in which he uses elements of a play (also autobiographical) with the conventions of journey descriptions.
Journal: Pamiętnik Literacki. Czasopismo kwartalne poświęcone historii i krytyce literatury polskiej
- Issue Year: 111/2020
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 51-68
- Page Count: 18
- Language: Polish