Selecting Subject Matter Experts in Job and Work Analysis Surveys: Advantages and Disadvantages
Selecting Subject Matter Experts in Job and Work Analysis Surveys: Advantages and Disadvantages
Author(s): Alexandru Ioan ManeaSubject(s): Business Economy / Management, Marketing / Advertising, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Editura Universitară & ADI Publication
Keywords: Subject matter experts; job analysis; work analysis; job analysis accuracy;
Summary/Abstract: The present article aims at reviewing the present literature concerning the use of subject matter experts in job and work analysis surveys through the perspective of their proneness to different social and cognitive sources of inaccuracy, which in turn, have several important unwanted effects on job the analysis information provided by them. More specifically, we provide for each type of subject matter expert category (incumbents, supervisors, professional analysts, etc…) their advantages and disadvantages in terms of both their knowledge concerning the analyzed job and their susceptibility to different types of social and cognitive inaccuracy. Moreover we provide recommendations for diminishing the effects of these social and cognitive types of sources of inaccuracy in order to improve the quality of the job information gathered through the use of subject matter experts.
Journal: Academic Journal of Economic Studies
- Issue Year: 6/2020
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 52-61
- Page Count: 10
- Language: English