Květa Pacovská and her reflections on the fairytales of the Grimm brothers Cover Image

Květa Pacovská a její reflexe pohádek bratří Grimmů
Květa Pacovská and her reflections on the fairytales of the Grimm brothers

Author(s): Svatava Urbanová
Subject(s): Visual Arts, German Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove
Keywords: Květa Pacovská; textual narrative; illustrated narrative; silent books; Cinderella by the Grimm brothers; modern artistic approaches;

Summary/Abstract: Květa Pacovská (1928) is a world-renowned illustrator and the author of children’s books. Her search for spatial and interpretative similarities culminated in surprising, fantasy-laden compositional elements. In the book Svět pohádek bratří Grimmů (The World of Fairy-tale of the Grimm Brothers, 1984), she works textually and visually with four German language stories, which are witty paraphrases of the well-known fairy-tale. In the “silent books” Popelka bratří Grimmů (The Cinderella of the Grimm Brothers, 2012), she shifts the celebrated story to a new social-communication level. This takes place in an abstract space with allusive symbols of time-space, objects and relations: they partake in fantasy-laden colourfulness; in spinning wheels of a pushchair; in moving a watch dial round a clock face; animals ready to offer help to others symbolize magical powers; the high-heeled shoe is associated with Cinderella’s identity. The contemporary reflection of the ideas explored in the form of illustrated narrative maintains a high level of artistic quality and lends itself to a new interpretative space.

  • Issue Year: VII/2019
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 20-31
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Czech
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