Dokuzuncu Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Rutin Olmayan Problem Çözme Becerileri: Deneysel Bir Çalışma
Non-Routine Problem Solving Skills of Ninth Grade Students: An Experimental Study
Author(s): Serkan Gürsan, Yeliz YazganSubject(s): Logic, School education, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Published by: Abdullah KALDIRIM
Keywords: Ninth Grade Students; Problem Solving; Non-Routine Problem; Problem Solving Strategies;
Summary/Abstract: In this study, the effect of an experimental intervention about non-routine problem solving on ninth grade students’ strategy use and success in solving these kinds of problems were examined. One group pretestposttest experimental design was used in the study. Pretest and posttest consisted of eight open-ended non-routine problems. Students solved 60 non-routine problems during the intervention that lasted 12 class periods. Problems requiring to use of guess and check, make a systematic list, work backward, look for a pattern, simplify the problem, logical reasoning, write an equation, and make a drawing strategies were used in the study. For the analysis of data, descriptive statistics, normality tests, and paired sample t-test were used. Findings highlight two important points: i) Ninth graders were quite successful in solving non-routine problems without any intervention, ii) given intervention increased students’ success in this respect.
Journal: Academy Journal of Educational Sciences
- Issue Year: 4/2020
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 23-29
- Page Count: 7
- Language: Turkish