Health communication between theory and medical practice: the case of Romania Cover Image

Health communication between theory and medical practice: the case of Romania
Health communication between theory and medical practice: the case of Romania

Author(s): Laura Pricop, Roxana Chirita, Ana-Caterina Cristofor
Subject(s): Health and medicine and law
Published by: Editura Sedcom Libris Iasi
Keywords: Healthcare communication;medical humanities;interdisciplinarity;people-centred medicine;

Summary/Abstract: The positive correlations between communication in the healthcare domain, the quality ofhealth services and the satisfaction extent of their beneficiaries are demonstrated in thepresent study. Considering the positive effects, upon patients, of communication in thehealthcare field, the study aims at offering new data on the dynamics of the theories andpractices of communication in this domain, special stress being laid on the fact that at least forEast Europe, in Romania, all these aspects represent a real emergency, caused by thealarmingly increased dissatisfaction and distrust of Romanians in the public healthcaresystem. Accordingly, the study attempts to enrich the existing knowledge and understandingof the new directions of the communication theories and practices in the healthcare field. Thescope of the research is a multiple one: providing a general perspective upon the alreadyjustified and validated theoretical and practical grounds that may renewthe communicational attitudes manifested in the direct health providers-beneficiariesinteractions; launching discussions among the specialists of the field as to the possibilities,opportunities, and efficiency of such theories’ and practices’ application in the actualunderfunded health systems; rendering aware and more responsible the young specialistsentering the domain, for building up their own style of communication, while convincing thepolicymakers to pay more attention – when elaborating their public health strategies – to theimportance of communication, which may assure a higher quality of the healthcare services.

  • Issue Year: 83/2019
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 119-127
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: English
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