Palyatif Dönemdeki Bireye Bakım Verme Sürecinde Aktivite Performansı, Katılım Ve İlişkili Faktörlerin İncelenmesi
Investigation of Activity Performance, Participation and Related Factors in The Period of Caring For Person in Palliative Term
Author(s): Güleser Güney, Gözde ÖnalSubject(s): Clinical psychology, Health and medicine and law, Family and social welfare
Published by: SD Yayınevi
Keywords: Palliative care; caregiver; activity performance;
Summary/Abstract: Having role of caring for individual in last stage of life can affect lives of caregiver in many ways. Caregivers may experience limitations with different emotional threats such as exhaustion, desperation in daily lives. Aim: The aim of study’s to examine the individual factors may affect the effects of participation in daily living and instrumental activities in the caregiving process of caregivers. Method: Forty caregivers(48,20±10,61;32 female, 8 male) participated in study. Activity performance of individuals, activities they thought to be limited and regarded as significant were examined with semistructured interviews and Canadian Occupational Performance Measurement(COPM).Pain, exhaustion, anxiety, wellbeing factors may affect activity performance of individuals’re evaluated with Visual Analog Scale(VAS), Caregiver Burden Scale, Beck Anxiety Questionnaire. The relationship between activity participation and others was analyzed by Pearson Correlation Analysis in SPSS 23.0. Results: Individuals reported spending most of time with their children, selfcare activities, recreational activities, having difficulty in dealing with housework(COPM performance:3.35±1.65). Pain’s common, backache-neck pain are the most common.Between individuals; activity performance and wellbeing(r=,878), living activities(r=,708), satisfaction(r=,916) were found positive correlation, between pain intensity and anxiety score(r=-,480) were found negative correlation(p<0,05). Conclusion and Discussion: In study, it’s observed individuals; wellbeing and activity participation’re affected.We think it may be appropriate for individuals to have occupational therapy and psychosocial rehabilitation support to meet their support needs in caregiving process and to ensure role balance.
Journal: Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri
- Issue Year: 5/2019
- Issue No: 9
- Page Range: 170-181
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Turkish