A model of hospice care in thought and ministry of Father Eugeniusz Dutkiewicz. Ideas and challenges Cover Image

Model opieki hospicyjnej w myśli i w posłudze księdza Eugeniusza Dutkiewicza. Idee i wyzwania
A model of hospice care in thought and ministry of Father Eugeniusz Dutkiewicz. Ideas and challenges

Author(s): Ewa Banasińska
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Health and medicine and law
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego
Keywords: caretaking during an illness and dying; hospice pastoral care; Father Dutkiewicz’s ministry; volunteering; loneliness; hope;

Summary/Abstract: Contemporary problems also include the need to encompass people with holistic and heartfelt care, those who are close to the end of their earthly existence. People of the Church respond to the voices of the suffering by active love, making the Church and its mission credible in the eyes of the world. Father Eugeniusz Dutkiewicz was just such a person. He developed a new model of pastoral hospice care, taking into account not only medical but also spiritual needs. Father Dutkiewicz’s testimony is a legible sign that makes the Church authentic. It is a sign of selfless love, a sign of hope for the victory of good over evil and life over death, a sign of his tirelessly accompanying suffering people, a sign of paying careful attention to those whose illness and impending death pushed them to the margins of family and social life.

  • Issue Year: 33/2019
  • Issue No: 33
  • Page Range: 193-207
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Polish
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