Considerații în legătură cu incidența variantei agravate a infracțiunii de ultraj [art. 257 alin. (4) din Codul penal] în ipoteza în care subiectul pasiv secundar al faptei incriminate este un polițist local
Considerations in relation to the incidence of the aggravated variant of the offence against police officers or gendarmes [Article 257 (4) of the Criminal Code] in the event that the secondary passive subject of the incriminated deed is a local polic
Author(s): Costică CiocanSubject(s): Criminal Law
Published by: Uniunea Juriștilor din România
Keywords: offences against police officers; local police officer; community police officer; police officer whose status is regulated under Law No 360/2002;
Summary/Abstract: Offences against police officers or gendarmes (in Romanian, ultraj) are regulated under Article 257 (4) of the Criminal Code, which provides that such offences shall be harsher punished, by increasing the special limits of the penalty by half. In order to apply the above-mentioned dispositions in a fair manner, the Panel for Clarification of Criminal Legal Aspects of the High Court of Cassation and Justice was requested to render a preliminary judgment by which to clarify if „the concept of police officer provided by Article 257 (4) of the Criminal Code shall be construed restrictively as referring only to police officers whose activity and status are regulated under Law No 218/2002 regarding the organisation and functioning of Romanian Police and under Law No 360/2002 regarding the Police Officer Status or more widely, as also including local police officers whose activity and status are regulated under Law No 155/2010 on Local Police and Law No 188/1999 on the Status of Civil Servants”. This article proposes an analysis of the relevant jurisprudence and provides arguments to support that the aggravated version of the crime regulated under Article 257 (4) of the Criminal Code shall be applied when the offence is committed against a local police officer.
Journal: Revista „Dreptul”
- Issue Year: 2020
- Issue No: 09
- Page Range: 140-147
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Romanian
- Content File-PDF