Civil journalism and professional journalism - relations dynamics Cover Image

Гражданската журналистика и професионалната журналистика - динамика на отношенията
Civil journalism and professional journalism - relations dynamics

Author(s): Emilia Milcheva
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: citizen journalism; traditional journalism; social media; еditorial policy; reports; messages; communications

Summary/Abstract: Social media has significantly changed the world of journalism and this change doesn’t mean the death of traditional journalism but its transformation. The reports of the death of professional journalism are greatly exaggerated despite the power of social media is on citizen journalists’ side. Мillions of people being the first to report on earthquake, terror attack, crime via their social media pages but professional journalism has to check the facts and to provide impartial information to help people understand and engage with the world around them. News coverage is a partnership and this article focuses on the partnership between citizen journalism and professional journalism and how it could act in the public interest. Social media have been used to empower citizens around the world especially in underdeveloped regions with less democratic political regimes, censorship, greater poverty, malnutrition, etc. But there are threats that should not be underestimated as fake news and hybrid wars, hate of speech, and many information traps. Making their stories journalists from mainstream media have to contribute to rumor verification on social media. They must protect not only freedom of expression, but rather freedom of the consequences of that expression. The debate over the role of social media in post-industrial society and in the transformation of traditional journalism is not finished yet - it just starts. This role is because the credibility of the official rumor-debunking messages was commonly questioned.

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