Войново: между староверием и православием
Wojnowo: between old and new orthodoxy
Author(s): Helena PociechinaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Sociology, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, History of Religion
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Keywords: The history of the Old Believers from the Lake District of Mazury; ideolo-gical heritage of Pavel Prussky; edinoverie; missionary school of protoiereus Aleksander Awajew in Wojnowo
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this article is to introduce into scientific circulation one of the documents related to the history of the Old Believer colony in the Masurian Lakes in Poland. The field studies were conducted between 2011–2013, during the implementa-tion of the grant “Slavica a bizantyjskie dziedzictwo. Multimedialny katalog zabytków piśmiennictwa staroobrzędowców zamieszkałych w Polsce jako narzędzie odtwarzania fenomenów ginących kultur”. One of the families of hereditary old rituals presented a hand-written draft to researchers. Upon closer examination, it turned out that the manu-script was a separate sheet which, among other records, contains fragments of the five works of Archimandrite Paul (Prussia). Thus, it can be argued that in the middle of the 1930s, the identity of the former head of the monastery of the Life-Giving Trinity in Voinovo was still known to local residents and the Orthodox Church conducted anti-schism propaganda in the region with the help of his ideas.
Journal: Acta Polono-Ruthenica
- Issue Year: 2/2020
- Issue No: XXV
- Page Range: 89-102
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Russian