Consciousness and Finitude in Sartre’s, Levinas’ and Buber’s Philosophy Cover Image

Świadomośc i skończoność w filozofii Sartre’a, Levinasa i Bubera
Consciousness and Finitude in Sartre’s, Levinas’ and Buber’s Philosophy

Author(s): Jacek Aleksander Prokopski
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Keywords: Sartre; Levinas; Buber

Summary/Abstract: Presented paper focuses on some aspects philosophy three great representatives oh the philosophy of existence – Jean Paul Sartre, Emannuel Levinas and Martin Buber. Those thinkers attempt to create new, non-cartesian, conception of the Other and surmount scepticism and solipsism. In their philosophies we can find some interesting discussions such problems as attitude the man to the other people and relation between man and God. Other important problem considered by Sartre, L´evinas and Buber is finitude human being and consequences emerge from it.

  • Issue Year: I/2006
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 57-86
  • Page Count: 30
  • Language: Polish
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