Türkiye’deki Suriyeli Göçmen Kadınlar Arasında Güvenli Doğurganlık ve Güvenli Annelik
Safe Motherhood and Safe Fertility among Turkey’s Syrian Women
Author(s): Yaprak Civelek, Dicle KoylanSubject(s): Gender Studies, Health and medicine and law, Family and social welfare, Migration Studies
Published by: Transnational Press London
Keywords: Syrian immigrants; safe motherhood; reproductive health; fertility; family planning;
Summary/Abstract: Safe motherhood is normally a subject that covers safe fertility. However, over the course of this study, fertility of Syrian women in their reproductive ages (15-49) has been examined separately for supervising various social and demographic components and theoretical approaches. The supportive indicators for the argument of this study are provided by Turkey Demographic and Health Survey - Syrian Migrant Sample (TDHS-2018-SMS) held by Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies in 2018. The data is based on face to face interviews with 2.216 married women who are between 15-49 in total, coming from 1.826 Syrian households established in the camps or out of the camps. This study, while presenting the descriptive indicators particularly referring to Syrian birth cases, fertility preferences, use of family planning (contraception) methods, reachability of these methods, quality of delivery of woman’s health care, gathers up related theoretical and literary sources to comprehend the sociological, anthropological and psychological determinants of the liminal status formed by being a migrant, being a woman and being a mother really well. With regard to the consequences of our effort, we should indicate that, the reproductive health and behavior of Syrian married women have been mostly being affected and determined by language barriers, communication problems and anxiety of being biased.
Journal: Göç Dergisi (GD)
- Issue Year: 7/2020
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 245-272
- Page Count: 28
- Language: Turkish