Author(s): Oleh Vasilyevich Barabash
Subject(s): Political Sciences, Civil Society, Governance
Published by: Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого
Keywords: The Republic of Costa Rica; constitutional creativity; political regime; development strategies;transformational processes;clean life and a happy country;Latin America and the Caribbean;

Summary/Abstract: Problem setting. Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) on the peculiarities of the development of state-building processes, transformations of political regimes in its individual countries, manifestations of tendencies to combine heterogeneous factors of endogenous and exogenous nature in the dynamics of change and interaction of institutional, social or economic factors and geopolitical changes. interests, continues to be the focus of scientific attention of specialists in various fields of knowledge. LAC - a region in which, perhaps, the most amplitude in terms of content parameters, quantitative indicators. «markers» appear in relation to their perspective significance and the degree of further actualization of the manifestation of «fluid modernity» (Z. Bauman), at its various levels and in the contexts of conceptual shifts of political and legal significance. Against the background of the general theoretical basis of institutionalism in its versions of neo-institutionalism, historical institutionalism, or other methodological approaches with their special attention to the importance of constitutional formatting of the sum of social relations, innovation and experiments in the region on constitutional creativity show a wide range of research. In connection with the divergent development of constitutional law in the LAC countries in recent decades, according to the director of the Institute of Comparative Constitutional Law. Max Planck, Armin von Bogdandi; Latin America is a region where the question of the future of constitutionalism is being discussed». There are also manifestations of a special historical subtext in the region: its countries have long been involved in various geopolitical confrontations, including those with a pronounced ideological coloration, and traditionalist collectivist values are sometimes paradoxically combined with liberal-democratic individualism. Unfortunately, the region is a clear example not only of significant changes in improving the quality of socio-political life, the introduction of positive institutional solutions and the adoption of new standards of economic existence - it still today, with significant differences across countries, remains the most brutal and repressive in the world. Against this heterogeneous background, in our opinion, some aspects of the successful experience of building the national-state life of the Republic of Costa Rica (Spanish: Republica de Costa Rica) deserve research interest.Recent research and publications analysis. In the article, in connection with the subject multidimensionality of the topic, an interdisciplinary scientific approach was used, which, in turn, led to the involvement of general scientific research methods and special theoretical and methodological developments ofrepresentatives ofvarious fields ofscientific knowledge. Regarding the foundations, tendencies andfeatures ofconstitutional creativity, a significant role was played by fundamental research and scientific experience ofdomestic constitutional scholars, M. P. Orzikh, V. P. Kolisnyk, Yu. G. Barabash, N. V. Mishina, M. V. Savchina, theorists of state and law I. V. Protsyuk, D. V. Lukyanov, L. I. Kormich, M. V. Serebro. Regarding the formation of the fields of modern conflict, their representation in social reality and in the contexts of the idea of development and institutionalization ofstrategies, used multifaceted research material ofscientific developments of representatives ofpolitical science and sociology L. M. Herasina, M. P. Trebin, I. D. Denisenko, M. A. Polevoy, V. Yu. Karasev, G. M. Kuts, O. I. Tkach, and foreign authors representing a wide range of research both purely humanitarian and political and legal in nature - Z. Bauman, Ul. Beck, R. Gargarella, M. Mann, G. Negretto, H. Montero, Z. V. Ivanovsky, T. O. Vorotnikova, P. Blocker, E. S. Cortes, others. Materials and statistical data of separate international funds and research institutions, official sites of the state of the Republic of Costa Rica are used in the work. the country’s media.Paper objective. The purpose of this work is to establish the nature and essence of transformation processes in the Republic of Costa Rica, to find out the substantive basis of the country’s development strategy. The task is to identify and analyze certain parametersof state-building transformations in separate projections of constitutional and legal activity, its institutional representation in political processes and public life, to single out key ideas, mechanisms and directions of their implementation on building a successful national-state project «clean life, happy country» in the present and in relation to the vision of future prospects.Paper main body. Regarding the peculiarities of the legal regulation of the way of life in the Republic of Costa Rica and, above all, the characteristics of the constitutional process, we note that against the background of other countries in the region, it has not resorted to constitutional replacement since the mid-20th century. the day is in force the Basic Law of1949 - Constitucion Politica De la Republica De Costa Rica. Regarding its main connotations, we can only note that a certain liberal-democratic content is paradoxically combined with ideological and instrumental openness and readiness to reproduce public demands and non-liberal nature of the socially protected way of life of all segments of the population, which leaves room for current political and legal «maneuvers» in the legal field set by the Constitution and allows to adjust the strategic dimensions of the political process in the direction of «connection» of broad social programs. led by representatives of local elites who are especially responsible for the implementation of the national-state project, who, in the end, agreed on a vision of the strategic principles of development of the Republic of Costa Rica. Thus began the implementation of a unique project - «clean life» (and «happy country» - Spanish: Pura vida, pais feliz). The country has long emphasized the development of education, health care, housing. In our opinion, the significant difference in the whole meaningful vector of the country’s development is manifested, first of all, in the long-term consolidated position of local elites on the vision of the future, understanding of the strategy of re-creation.Conclusions of the research. The main factors ofsuccess in the strategy ofdevelopment of the Republic of Costa Rica: for a long time coordinated and strategically adjusted in the defined basic parameters of constitutional lawmaking and public consent work of a particularly socially responsible group, which in this case can be described as a strategic elite for the national-state project of common good, creation of social comfort zones, environmental security, confidence in the future and further joint social measures to form a general social solidarity around the national project - clean life, happy country - subject to the assertion ofprocedural respectfor the mechanisms of mutual communication along the line of social demand, processing, output (D. Easton’s theory), in a democracy and on the basis of following constitutional and legal norms.

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