The phenomenon of author-performer’s post-neoclassical creativity as a scientific problem (dialectical and creative collision “author-artist”) Cover Image

Феномен авторсько-виконавської постнеокласичної творчості як наукова проблема (діалектично-творча колізія «автор–артист»)
The phenomenon of author-performer’s post-neoclassical creativity as a scientific problem (dialectical and creative collision “author-artist”)

Author(s): Ivan Jerghijev
Subject(s): Music, Aesthetics, Sociology of Art
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: author-artistic premiere; artistic concept; performer’s musical work; creative play; creative collision; synergetic creativity;

Summary/Abstract: The purpose of the article is to investigate one of the most important problems of the theory and aesthetics of music - the author-performer’s creativity as a process and the result of two different types of activity, correlation between the direction set by an author and the author-performer’s initiative as an artistic interpretation of his own composition. The methodology of the research is based on interdisciplinary approaches since the study and constitution of the author’s musical creativity as a phenomenon of modern culture raises many problematic issues, which cover wide horizons of cultural and artistic fields. The author uses classical methods that are effective for art history research: analytical, audio-visual, comparative, etc. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the problem of an author’s game-interpretation of his own musical work, or self-interpretation has never been the subject of special research in philosophical, psychological and musicological discourse. Conclusions. As a result of the research (a discourse analysis of existing literature on this problem, a survey of music authors, analysis of author’s own author-artistic creativity, etc.) it was found that the ambivalence of a collision of author-artistic creativity exists on the verge of composer’s and performer’s thinking, respectively - the musical language of an author and the musical statement of an artist, and is solved by the means of partiality, partial "bifurcation" of the creator-performer’s personality, who himself completes his (work) in many renewed interpretations. For the practical solution of the problem under study, it is important that the author understands the endpoint (terminus ad quem) of his creative product, which he needs to reach as an artist - spiritual perception, aesthetic impression of the viewer-listener from the complete meaningful form of the author's musical performance in the artistic version.

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