The Effect of Domestic Policy to Economic Policy in Turkey in the Period of 1945 and 1950 Cover Image

Türkiye’de 1945-1950 Döneminde İç Politikanın Ekonomi Politikasına Etkisi
The Effect of Domestic Policy to Economic Policy in Turkey in the Period of 1945 and 1950

Author(s): Gülnaz Gezer
Subject(s): Economic history, Political economy, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
Published by: Trakya Üniversitesi - İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
Keywords: Statism; Provision of Land for Farmers Law; Republican People's Party; 12 July Declaration;

Summary/Abstract: This article is about statist approach replaced by the liberalism in Turkey between 1945 and 1950, in the aftermath of World War Second. The Great Depression of 1929 constitutes a milestone for Turkish economy policies. The state has adopted “statism” between the years of 1930 and 1939, and pioneered industrialization as well. Although Turkey was not involved in World War Second, she was not able to take out herself from the consequences of this world disaster. National Protection Law, Agricultural Products Law, Property Tax and Provision of Land for Farmers Law, legislated by ruling Republican Party, caused great unrest among big land owners and merchants. Thus they became harsh opponents of Republican Party. In the post-war area, Turkey switched from single-party system to pluralist democracy. Revival of Democrat Party led to question the policies of the Republican Party even in the raw of the organisation itself. In the domain of foreign policy Turkey had to follow pro-USA policies due to the increasing Soviet threat to the international system in the post-war era, and established a liberal economic model with a dynamic private sector. Mechanisation in agriculture and building highways rather than industrialization became the common economic policies adopted by both Republicans and Democrats.

  • Issue Year: 11/2020
  • Issue No: 21
  • Page Range: 18-31
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Turkish
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