Тапанiмiя лельчыцкага раёна гомельскай вобласцi: лексiка-семантычныя типы матывацьii
Toponymy of the Lelchitsky district in Gomel region: lexical and semantic types of motivation
Author(s): Natallia BahamolnikavaSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Semiotics / Semiology, Theoretical Linguistics, Theology and Religion, Lexis, Semantics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Keywords: toponyms; oeconyms; hydronyms; motivation basics; types of nomination
Summary/Abstract: This article deals with regional toponyms in their lexical and semantic aspects and analyses the way oeconyms and hydronyms are related to topography and landscape peculiarities of Pripyat Polesie, events in this region, spiritual and material culture of the local population and its linguistic contacts with other ethnic groups.
Journal: Acta Polono-Ruthenica
- Issue Year: 3/2020
- Issue No: XXV
- Page Range: 165-176
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Belarusian