Determining factors of banking performance Central and Eastern European countries Cover Image

Factori determinanți ai performanței bancare în țările Europei Centrale și de Est
Determining factors of banking performance Central and Eastern European countries

Author(s): Adriana Ciobanu, Ninela Pascaru
Subject(s): National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Financial Markets
Published by: EDITURA ASE
Keywords: banking sector; banking performance; macroeconomic variables; Central & Eastern Europe (CEE); panel data;

Summary/Abstract: The aim of our work is to investigate the empirical impact of macroeconomic factors, both intern and extern, on bank performance in 13 CEE countries during 2000-2015. We consider as representative for bank profitability, the return on equity (ROE), return of assets (ROA) and net interest margin (NIM ).Some studies divides the factors that influence the bank profitability in two large groups : bank specific factors (domestic) and macroeconomic factors (external). We have used the multiple regression with specific variables for the banking sector and macroeconomic variables. The results of our empirical study indicate that the financial profitability of a banking sector for the analyzed countries is strongly influenced by the following domestic specific factors , but also by the economic environment. Overall, our study emphasize the huge importance of ensuring a sound and solid macroeconomic environment for the financial performance of a banking sector.

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