Entrepreneurs and Expertise: a Cultural Encounter in the Making of Post-Communist Capitalism in Poland
Entrepreneurs and Expertise: a Cultural Encounter in the Making of Post-Communist Capitalism in Poland
Author(s): Michael D. Kennedy, Pauline GianoplusSubject(s): National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Economic history, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Post-Communist Transformation
Published by: SAGE Publications Ltd
Keywords: Poland; postcommunist transformation; capitalism; entrepreneurs and expertise; Polish business; Western business experts;
Summary/Abstract: The discourse associated with the making of post-Communist capitalism is based in part on the conjunction of entrepreneurship and expertise. Here we examine one exemplary attempt to transmit business expertise directly into Polish enterprises. Our analysis is based on in-depth interviews with nineteen of twenty-four participants in the 1990 and 1991 Michigan MBA Corps, one of the first assistance programs of its type. We have asked these "experts" about their own qualifications-their professional contributions to, and their credentials for, work in Polish business-and about their perceptions of Poland's potential for capitalist development. [...]
Journal: East European Politics and Societies
- Issue Year: 08/1994
- Issue No: 01
- Page Range: 58-93
- Page Count: 36
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF