Личността, обществото и държавата като движещи елементи за следосвобожденския икономически напредък на България, отразени в списание „Промишленост“ 1887–1890 г.
The Person, Society and the State as Driving Elements for the Post-Liberation Economic Progress of Bulgaria, Reflected in the Magazine “Industry” 1887–1890
Author(s): Margarita MarinovaSubject(s): History, Economy, Cultural history, National Economy, Comparative history, Economic history, Ethnohistory, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Modern Age, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Център за стопанско-исторически изследвания
Keywords: economic development; protectionism; Bulgaria; entrepreneurship; agriculture; industry
Summary/Abstract: The article presents the research papers dedicated to Bulgaria’s economic development in the 1880s selected by the Editorial Board of and published in the journal Industry printed in the town of Svishtov in the period 1887–1890. It puts an emphasis on the policy of openness and freedom adopted by the state, which,along with each individual citizen and the society as a whole are regarded the key drives for development. The paper discusses the various opinions regarding the achievements in each economic sector, the problems they face, and the causes for the slower rates of economic development. The journal regards the prosperity of the country as a function of free-market entrepreneurship and household savings as a source of capital investment rather than a return to protectionist policies and the accelerated integration of Bulgaria into the civilized world through harmonization of the relations between man and society.
Journal: Известия на Центъра за стопанско-исторически изследвания
- Issue Year: V/2020
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 182-194
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Bulgarian