Intervențiile și acțiunile umanitare – principii, obiective, modalități de desfășurare, dileme
Humanitarian interventions and actions - principles, objectives, methods, dilemmas
Author(s): Kristina Krasteva PetkovaSubject(s): International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Published by: Institutul Român pentru Drepturile Omului
Keywords: humanitarian interventions; humanitarian actions; human rights violation;
Summary/Abstract: Challenged by the new realities, the international community, particularly the United Nations Security Council, is facing a dilemma: on the one hand, respect for certain principles asserted for a long time, such as sovereignty and non-interference in other countries' affairs, and on the other hand, the need for intervention in order to put an end to situations of human rights violation. However, the conditions for effective and legitimate humanitarian actions still lack systemization and clarity, even in the state-of-the-art literature. Humanitarian actions have started being developed in recent years and are meant to remove the effects of man-induced and natural catastrophes in a broad vision. Multilateral missions of humanitarian nature may be organized, under the auspices of the United Nations, by a multitude of international organizations. The author presents the various types of actions characterizing peace-keeping operations, as well as the main aspects of humanitarian intervention in the framework of peace-keeping operations, including the political, operational and moral dilemmas that may occur in the post-Cold-War era.
Journal: Drepturile omului
- Issue Year: 2007
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 30-37
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Romanian