Stosunek przedstawicieli Pokolenia Y wobec praktyk budowania marki pracodawcy
Attitude of Generation Y representatives towards employer branding practices
Author(s): Weronika MuszyńskaSubject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy
Published by: Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne w Zielonej Górze
Keywords: Generation Y; employer brand; labor market; education; professional experience
Summary/Abstract: Employers, noticing that today it is more and more difficult to find a talented and loyal employee from the Y Generation, take steps to build an attractive brand that will become their showcase. The term "employer's brand" has not been precisely defined in Polish scientific literature, but it has significantly gained in importance in recent years, which justifies taking up this topic. The work is theoretical and empirical, and consists of an introduction, three theoretical chapters, a presentation of research results and a conclusion. Its main goal was to indicate the attitude of the representatives of Generation Y towards employer branding practices. The specific objectives included determining the impact of education and professional experience on the willingness to join the initiatives in the field of employer branding as well as an indication of what in the opinion of Millennials are the most effective ways of building the employer's brand, in which they would like to join. To achieve the aim of the work, the method of studies of the literature on the subject and other secondary sources was used, as well as quantitative research with the use of a questionnaire. The test results confirmed the fulfillment of the objectives of the study. Respondents with even extensive professional experience express their willingness to participate in the process of building the employer's brand to a limited extent (e.g. by organizing open days), while their education is not a variable affecting their participation in employer branding initiatives. At the end of the work, conclusions and limitations of the applied research method were formulated.
Journal: Zeszyty Naukowe Polskiego Towarzystwa Ekonomicznego w Zielonej Górze
- Issue Year: 7/2020
- Issue No: 13
- Page Range: 108-122
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish