From dynastic patriotism to the Greater Romania. Romanian Churches from Transylvania in the political turmoil of 1914-1918 Cover Image
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De la patriotismul dinastic la România Mare. Bisericile româneşti din Transilvania în tumultul politic al anilor 1914-1918
From dynastic patriotism to the Greater Romania. Romanian Churches from Transylvania in the political turmoil of 1914-1918

Author(s): Valer Moga
Subject(s): History
Published by: Editura Mega Print SRL
Keywords: Romanian Orthodox Church; Greek-Catholic Church; dynastic patriotism; First World War; confessional identity; Hungary; Romania

Summary/Abstract: A research focused on following attitude of Romanian clergy from Transylvania throughout the First World War, leads to identification of two radical, different positions. Orthodox or Greek-Catholic priests had reconfirmed the dynastic patriotism, in June-July 1914. This assumation did not limit to declarations, marking the whole civic involvement of priesthood, throughout the whole church hierarchy. After only four years, the same priesthood formed, at central and local level, the most consistent professional contingent hired in the political action which focused on union of Transylvania with Romania. This study deals exactly with defining objective and subjective factors that have generated this change. The phenomenon cannot be attributed only to disappearance of the object of dynastic patriotism, by resignation of Emperor Carol I on 11 November 1918. It was contoured under the influence of the internal political line adopted by the Hungarian government, especially after beginning of Romanian’s belligerence, in August 1916. Issues of religious identity identified in the study are determined especially by situation on the same side of the political barricade of two different churches and under circumstances in which the Greek-Catholic Church militated to change a statality in which Catholicism was the official religion with one in which Orthodoxy was procclaimed as dominant Church, by Constitution. Transylvanian Orthodoxes themselves confronted with identity issues immediately afterwards union of Transylvania with Romania. Orthodox clergy from the Old Kingdom manifested serious reservations about principles of the Organic Statute issued by Andrei Şaguna, that had to substantiate law concerning organisation of the Orthodox Church of Greater Romania.

  • Issue Year: 15/2011
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 347-368
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Romanian
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