Authority, Obedience and Hierarchy in Christ:
Christian Marriage and Postmodern Challenges Cover Image

Authority, Obedience and Hierarchy in Christ: Christian Marriage and Postmodern Challenges
Authority, Obedience and Hierarchy in Christ: Christian Marriage and Postmodern Challenges

Author(s): Bassam Nassif
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
Published by: Editura Universităţii »Alexandru Ioan Cuza« din Iaşi
Keywords: postmodernism; Orthodox Church; equality; obedience;hierarchy; marriage;

Summary/Abstract: The state of family dysfunction has produced various complications inunderstanding and experiencing love, freedom in spousal relationships. Gender roles ofhusband and wife have been, to a large degree, transformed. Human weakness andvarious inherited social traditions, customs, and norms biased the role of men and womenin society and prevented the full enactment of the Christian doctrine concerning hierarchyin the family. In fact, the social objectification of women and the utilitarian view on sexhad obstructed the success of the equal rights movement, and further weakened the manwoman relationship, especially in the marital context. However, marital life inChristianity is a negation of individualism, and a longing for a life of fellowship ina Christian spirit of complementarity. Moreover, equality without sincere, self-sacrificiallove is devoid of its essence. This paper examines postmodern voices about hierarchy,headship, obedience, and submission, leading to a happier marriage. In return, it attemptsto present ancient and contemporary Patristic approaches to these marital roles, showingthat these approaches are divinely inspired for all times and cultures, and experienced asa mystery in Christ. If properly practiced, these approaches lead, to what postmodernvoices initially aspire, that is to a blessed, joyful, and prosperous marital life.

  • Issue Year: 25/2020
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 33-49
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: English
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