One hinged fibula from the Čačak gymnasium schoolyard: An unexpected archaeological discovery. Cover Image

Шарнирска фибула из дворишта гимназије у Чачку. Један неочекивани археолошки налаз
One hinged fibula from the Čačak gymnasium schoolyard: An unexpected archaeological discovery.

Author(s): Katarina Dmitrović
Subject(s): Archaeology
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Београду
Keywords: Čačak; rescue excavations; Late Antiquity; layer; hinged fibula; 4th century BC; local manufacture; import

Summary/Abstract: Among various objects and cultural layers dated to the period between antiquity and the Modern Age, discovered during the rescue excavations carried outin 2014 at the schoolyard of the Čačak Gymnasium, a prehistoric hinged fibulawas also found. The fibula deserves special attention owing to the fact that it isthe only prehistoric object discovered at the site. The find is nicely preserved andis common for the area of western Macedonia, while in Western Serbia and adjacentregion only few such fibulae are known.

  • Issue Year: 2019
  • Issue No: 7-8
  • Page Range: 109-116
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Serbian
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