Municipal Characteristics Increasing and Decreasing Immobility Cover Image

Az immobilitást növelő és csökkentő települési jellemzők
Municipal Characteristics Increasing and Decreasing Immobility

Author(s): Judit Kerülő
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Debreceni Egyetem Politikatudományi és Szociológiai Intézet
Keywords: Municipal Charecteristics; Increasing and Decreasing Immobility

Summary/Abstract: The study looks for answers to the question: what are the reasons behind staying in small municipalities, especially in highly disadvantaged villages, when moving into cities offers obviousadvantages. We have analysed the motives, as well as attractive and repulsive factors based on104 interviews, in case of 13 municipalities. The interviews convincingly certify that the decisionabout moving or staying in one place is a complex, multifactorial process. In this, employmentopportunities have an undeniably important, however, not completely exclusive role. It is correlated with the demographic characteristics, gender, age, family status, labour market parameters, education level, financial characteristics, individual peculiarities, health status of theindividual, as well as with its attitude towards changes, ethnic background, and its contentmentconcerning the given settlement.

  • Issue Year: 8/2019
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 184-232
  • Page Count: 49
  • Language: Hungarian
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