On chrematonyms in reports by Melchior Wańkowicz from the Anoda i katoda collection Cover Image

O chrematonimach w reportażach Melchiora Wańkowicza z tomu Anoda i katoda
On chrematonyms in reports by Melchior Wańkowicz from the Anoda i katoda collection

Author(s): Marzena Guz
Subject(s): Studies of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Keywords: chrematonyms; Melchior Wańkowicz; , titles of works; names of institutions; names of firms

Summary/Abstract: The article deals with chrematonyms in reports by Melchior Wańkowicz from the Anodai katoda collection. The aim of the study is to present the diversity of this onymic category.The excerpted chrematonyms were assigned to five categories: names of culturalenterprises, names of institutions, names of companies, names of vehicles and namesof products. Numerous subcategories were identified within each category, e.g. thenames of cultural enterprises in Wańkowicz’s texts include titles of books, periodicals, articles in periodicals and titles of Wańkowicz’s feuilletons. Furthermore, the namesof institutions include names of cultural institutions and financial institutions. The namesof organisations and associations include: agricultural, military, aid organisations andothers. Some attention was also devoted to a transition category between toponymy andchrematonymy, i.e. names of buildings and names of orders – phalaronyms. The setof cultural enterprises is the largest, with book titles dominating. Moreover, the aim of thestudy is also to demonstrate the function of chrematonyms in the texts under analysis.The chrematonyms in the Anoda i katoda collection typically perform three basic functions:the function of spatial location, the sociological function and the informational function.

  • Issue Year: 22/2020
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 41-56
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Polish
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