Realizacija projekata baziranih na konceptu „pametnih“ gradova u Hrvatskoj s osvrtom na grad Jastrebarsko
Implementation of projects based on the concept of „smart“ cities in Croatia – the city of Jastrebarsko case study
Author(s): Tamara Slišković, Ivona VrhovecSubject(s): Energy and Environmental Studies, Social development, Human Ecology, Rural and urban sociology, Economic development, Environmental interactions, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Notitia d.o.o.
Keywords: smart city; smart solutions; smart cities concept; smart cities infrastructure;
Summary/Abstract: The application of advanced technology has completely transformed citizens, cities and communities, creating an intelligent and smart society. First of all, it is necessary to point out the importance of applying innovative solutions tailored to the needs of cities and citizens. By using innovative approaches, cities are able to improve the economic picture and make urban life a more convenient and better place to live. The article analyses the process of implementing certain components of smart cities in Croatia. The aim of the article is to explore the concept of a smart city, their structure and function and to analyse smart solutions in the application of the concept of smart cities in Croatia, with special reference to the city of Jastrebarsko. Quantitative research was applied through a questionnaire (n=129) in the Jastrebarsko area. The results of the research show the involvement of Croatian cities in the process of implementation of smart solutions and the positive impact of new urban governance methods, which enable interactive, inclusive and innovative urban systems, solve urban development dilemmas, ensure residents' needs, continuously optimise and improve, and ultimately achieve sustainable urban development.
Journal: Notitia - časopis za održivi razvoj
- Issue Year: 2020
- Issue No: 6
- Page Range: 63-82
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Croatian