Author(s): Volodymyr Viktorovych Chalapko
Subject(s): Political Philosophy, Military policy, Studies in violence and power, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого
Keywords: war; hybrid war; violence; hybrid war strategy; information violence; hybrid threats;

Summary/Abstract: Problem setting. One of the modern forms of violence that requires careful analysis is hybrid war. The events of recent decades have shown that hybrid war is not only a scientific concept, but also a reality today. The phenomenon of hybrid war requires a comprehensive study from both theoretical and practical points of view.Recent research and publications analysis. The problem of hybrid wars is reflected in the scientific works of both foreign and domestic scientists. Among foreign scientists, research in this direction was carried out by R. Glenn, D. Lasik, M. McLuhan, F. Hoffman, who focused on determining the characteristics of hybrid wars in comparison with classical wars, analyzed the strategies and tactical algorithms for conducting such wars, and focused on poly-straightness and multi-modality of this type of violence. On the other hand, domestic scientists, in particular V. Kravchenko, focus on the fact that hybrid war is not an absolutely new phenomenon in world history and gives a number of examples of manifestations of «hybridity» in wars of the past. In turn, M. Senchenko, analyzing hybrid war as an integral phenomenon, defines its information component as the main one which the strategy of this type of war is built around.Paper objective. The purpose of this work is to define the essential characteristics of hybrid war as a new form of violence.Paper main body. The understanding of the essence and content of hybrid warfare in the scientific literature is presented by a number of points of view that complement the understanding of this complex and little-studied phenomenon. As you know, the concept of «hybrid war» was introduced into scientific circulation by the American scientist M. McLuhan. Domestic scientists generally understand hybrid war as military actions that are carried out by combining militaristic, quasi-militaristic, diplomatic, informational, economic and other means in order to achieve strategic political goals. The specificity of this combination lies in the fact that each of the military and non-military methods of conducting a hybrid conflict is used for military purposes and is used as a weapon. The researchers note that hybrid warfare is not a fundamentally new type of violence, and its elements have been used by opponents in wars throughout the entire existence of mankind. «Hybridity» in this sense is understood as the complex application of various means and strategies of warfare - from information-psychological to purely military ones.Conclusions of the research. Thus, hybrid war as a modern form of violence is aimed primarily not at the seizure of territories, but at mastering the public consciousness of the target country and at dominating its information and cultural field. The victory on the «information and cultural front» provides further economic and political dividends for the initiator of the hybrid war.

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