Декоративни арабографични композиции в България (Свещени картини-надписи)
Decorative Arabographic Compositions in Bulgaria. (Sacred Pictures-Inscriptions)
Author(s): Anka Stoilova, Lyubomir MikovSubject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts
Published by: Институт за етнология и фолклористика с Етнографски музей при БАН
Keywords: Islamic Art; Shamail
Summary/Abstract: The main part of the examined decorative arabographic compositions are documented in different mosques during fieldwork on Ottoman architecture and art in the country. All items are produced by Turkish decorators, mostly during the 19th century, and belong to the type of sacred pictures and inscriptions. Because of the lack of a generally accepted term for these compositions, we call them descriptively decorative arabographic compositions. Compositions drawn on paper, cardboard and glass are presented. The article suggests a cultural-historical profile of the compositions. It includes a special accent on the types of manipulations and the kinds of rotations by means of which the compositions are modeled as end product of Islamic art. Parallels are drawn with the Tatar arabographic compositions called shamail. The examined compositions are presented here for the first time and for the first time samples of this kind of art are subject of scientific research in Bulgarian humanities.
Journal: Български фолклор
- Issue Year: XXXVIII/2012
- Issue No: 3-4
- Page Range: 75-84
- Page Count: 10
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF