Antik, távol-keleti mozgáskultúra
új típusú, nyugati médianyilvánosságai
The Culture of Martial Arts of the Far East in the Western Media
Author(s): János PéterSubject(s): Media studies, Theory of Communication, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
Published by: Medea Egyesület
Keywords: martial arts; Far East; mass-media; West;
Summary/Abstract: In this paper, we will examine, in the light of signifi cant examples, how the West learned about martial arts in the Far Eastand interpreted them in the light of paradigms. We also discuss how the visibility of the Taichi has changed, how its interpretiveframeworks have developed in the Western media, and how it has been incorporated into public discourse references withthe help of Western media systems. It will also be a regard about this traditional martial art with the aspect of its functioningand use based on the relationship between students and masters translated into a special exotic world, to which signifi cantlycontributed the Western media products - unfortunately, many times with misinterpretations.
Journal: ME.DOK Média-Történet-Kommunikáció
- Issue Year: XVI/2021
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 53-66
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Hungarian