The Theology of Redemption Mirrored in the Byzantine Hymns Cover Image

The Theology of Redemption Mirrored in the Byzantine Hymns
The Theology of Redemption Mirrored in the Byzantine Hymns

Author(s): Nicuşor Tucă
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
Published by: Editura Universității Aurel Vlaicu
Keywords: redemption; ontological; sacrifice; summative; Church hymns;

Summary/Abstract: Jesus Christ, our Saviour, has carried out His redemptive activity on several levels: in heaven – as pre-existing Logos; on earth – from His incarnation up to Hiscrucifi xion and burial; in hell – as victorious King, while His Body was in the grave;in heaven again, in His body glorifi ed after His Resurrection and Ascension; and,fi nally, from a sacramental perspective, as Eucharistic Christ and invisibly participating to the Holy Mysteries – in the Church. Our Saviour’s redeeming activity hasthree aspects: ontological, directed to human nature itself; summative, directed to themankind of all times and to the whole creation; and the aspect of offering given tothe Father, by which the submission and obedience rejected by Adam were realized.The hymns of the most important liturgical books used in the Orthodox Church emphasize the fact that our Saviour Jesus Christ is present in the Church through all Histhree missions: His mission of bishop (priest), related to His sacrifi ce on the Crossand lying at the heart of His redeeming activity (Lenten Triodyon hymns, characteristic for the seven-week period that precedes Easter); His mission of teacher,preaching the Gospel (Octoechos hymns, sung throughout the year, except for theperiod of the Tryodion and the Pentecostarion), and His mission of king, related toHis defeating death, His resurrection and His ascension to heaven (Pentecostarionhymns, characteristic for the period beginning with Easter and ending with the fi rstSunday after the Descent of the Holy Spirit).

  • Issue Year: 59/2014
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 92-109
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: English
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