„Przypomnij sobie...” (Ap 2,5; 3,3). Duch Święty żywą pamięcią Kościoła w świetle Apokalipsy Janowej
“Remember...” (Rev 2:5; 3:3). The Holy Spirit as the Church’s Living Memory according to the Revelation of John
Author(s): Paweł PodeszwaSubject(s): Theology and Religion
Published by: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II - Wydział Teologii
Keywords: Revelation; Letter to the Church in Ephesus; Letter to the Church in Sardis; Holy Spirit; memory; conversion; deposit of faith
Summary/Abstract: The Holy Spirit reminds the Church about everything that Jesus said and did. Two texts from the Book of Revelation clearly point to this function of the Paraclete, who speaks to the community, at the same time referring to its memory. The texts are from the Letter to the Church in Ephesus (2:5) and the Letter to the Church in Sardis (3:3), both containing an imperative to “remember.” In their light, we attempt to answer the basic question: What does the Holy Spirit remind the Church about? The analyzed texts, in which the Holy Spirit calls upon the Church community to stimulate memory, clearly indicate that the main issue, first and foremost, is remembering the foundations of the Christian faith (Incarnation, paschal mystery) and the identity of Christians united, through baptism, with the crucified and risen Jesus and born into a new life. The call for remembering expresses the fundamental need to eagerly guard the repository of faith and conversion, that is, to accept God’s intention and plan, which ought to lead to concrete acts of faith. The motivation for such an attitude on the part of Christians is the memory of God’s kindness and gifts. The Holy Spirit, called by The Catechism of the Catholic Church “the Church’s living memory” (1099), as it stimulates and activates the memory of the community, will mobilize believers to a living and fruitful faith. This in turn is expressed in a true Christian testimony of belonging to Jesus, brotherly love, and zealous proclamation of the Good News
Journal: Verbum Vitae
- Issue Year: 2020
- Issue No: 37
- Page Range: 111-127
- Page Count: 17
- Language: Polish