Comments on the drama of on the drama of bodily existence (2.) Cover Image

Megjegyzések a nemiség drámáját illetően (2.)
Comments on the drama of on the drama of bodily existence (2.)

Author(s): Mátyás Szalay
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysics, Theology and Religion, Systematic Theology
Published by: Institutul Teologic Romano-Catolic Alba Iulia
Keywords: body; gender; mystery; power; transhumanism;

Summary/Abstract: Our personal relationship with the body might rightly be characterized as dramatic. This implies the free choice between two radically different fundamental attitudes towards bodily existence. The consequences of this or that fundamental disposition are articulated in all spheres of life: religious, social, political, and cultural. Our contemporary society with its commodity fetishism and disregard not only towards being but even existence tries to avoid the real drama in which happiness as a divine- human community is at stake. Yet our bodily existence with its limitations unavoidably confronts us with personal and existential questions on how we deal with the tension between temporality and eternity, the visible and invisible realm of reality, the fundamental human desire to become more than human. When encountering the mystery that we remain for ourselves as humans, our response entails a choice either to reject the reality of bodily existence by enhancing it (transhumanism), or, on the contrary to acknowledge the gift character of the body (theosis).

  • Issue Year: 23/2020
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 273-318
  • Page Count: 46
  • Language: Hungarian
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