Strategia pomocy rodzinie w Kościele. Zarys problematyki na przykładzie doświadczeń polskich
Strategy to Help Family in the Church. Outline of the Issues Based on the Polish Experience
Author(s): Mieczysław OzorowskiSubject(s): Family and social welfare, Welfare services, Pastoral Theology, Sociology of Religion
Published by: Teologická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity
Keywords: Family; family support; aid strategy; family pastoral care;
Summary/Abstract: Church authorities have for some time been showing a lot of attention to family issues, although it is difficult to look for the word strategy in them. A lot of scientific work has been written on this subject in recent years. Similarly to state and local government documents, we find two parts: analytical and practical, which contains postulates and proposals of actions. The analysis of family issues is presented in documents promulgated by the councils, synods and last popes and bishops. The pastoral care of families deals with the practical part of this strategy. For several decades, the Church has devoted a lot of strength and resources to maintaining the Christian model of marriage and the family. The Church strongly opposes all alternative forms of marriage and family and all that harms the value of life, monogamous marriage and the family. As part of the Pastoral Care of Families, the church has developed many different forms of support for marriages and families.
Journal: Studia Aloisiana
- Issue Year: 11/2020
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 37-50
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish