Jedność Jezusa Chrystusa i Ducha Świętego w dziele zbawienia
The Unity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in The Process of Salvation
Author(s): Janusz KrólikowskiSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Systematic Theology
Published by: Papieski Wydział Teologiczny
Keywords: Jesus Christ; Messiah; Holy Spirit; baptism; messianic consecration; Christology; pneumatology
Summary/Abstract: It seems that in certain modern spiritual trends a tendency can be observed to make separate references to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, which is manifested in the autonomous approach to pneumatological experience in Christian life. This phenomenon is sometimes called Pentecostalization of Christianity. The first thing which needs to be done in order to address this issue is to demonstrate the unity of Jesus Christ and the Holly Spirit in the process of salvation. This article draws attention to certain aspects of this unity, especially to the exceptional manifestation of it in the title “Christ” given to Jesus, in His messianic consecration during His baptism in the Jordan River. A singular expression of this unity is Jesus' messianic consciousness. A view on fundamental New Testament data shows that pneumatology should always go thorough Christological verification. The experience of the Holy Spirit, which is so intensely searched for today, should simultaneously be derived from and crowned with Christology.
Journal: Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny
- Issue Year: 29/2021
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 189-206
- Page Count: 17
- Language: Polish