Socialna opora med dijaki glede na njihov individualni položaj v strukturi popolnega omrežja v razredu
Social support of high school pupils with regard to their individual position in the structure of complete social networks within class
Author(s): Mirjana Ule, Valentina Hlebec, Tanja RogeljSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Slovensko sociološko društvo (in FDV)
Keywords: social network; measures of centrality and prominence; social support; interpersonal features; loneliness; social isolation; social self-esteem; conformity; selfmonitoring; factor analysis; measures of centrality and prominence; hierarchical clustering; a
Summary/Abstract: In this paper social support and popularity of complete network members are studied; in particular we analyzed how interpersonal characteristics of pupils are related to positions of the individuals the in structure of complete social networks. We have analyzed the collected data for eight complete social networks from third grades of High school “Be`igrad” in Ljubljana. The data has been collected by survey, which was consisted of multiple parts: (1) exchange of social support (material and instrumental support, informational support, emotional support and informal companionship), (2) moods of pupils and (3) interpersonal characteristics of pupils (loneliness, self-monitoring, conformity, social isolation and social self-esteem). Using factor analysis, measures of centrality and prominence, hierarchical clustering and analysis of variance we obtained the following results: Pupils who are the least lonely, social isolated and conform and at the same time have the greatest value of self-esteem and above-average value of selfmonitoring, have greater probability to provide/receive support when problem arises. Because they are most popular members in the network and have most influence on the other, their characteristic is that they take most important positions in structure of complete network support. Also, they have evaluated their mood statistically significant higher than others. In continuation we have been investigating the difference in answers between boys and girls. We have discovered that the girls are more often the source of support and that they are looking for it more often than boys; except in case of informal companionship. We have come up to interesting conclusion that at the same time, boys are lonelier and less social isolated than girls.
Journal: Družboslovne razprave
- Issue Year: 20/2004
- Issue No: 045
- Page Range: 13-32
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Slovenian