Особености на отразяването на покушението в Беслан в български всекидневници
Peculirarities in reporting the Beslan hostage crisis in Bulgarian newspapers
Author(s): Milena FilipovaSubject(s): Psychology
Published by: Институт за изследване на населението и човека - Българска академия на науките
Keywords: Beslan hostage crisis
Summary/Abstract: The present article deals with the comparative analysis of the materials reporting events in Beslan in the newspapers Trud and Standart during the period 2. 09 - 2. 10. 2004. It determines the number and pattern of distribution of the articles reporting on terrorism during the period. The article studies the characteristic features of media language. It also outlines the scope of media topics. The metaphors used in naming various terrorist events are specified, as well as the synonyms, used for labeling terrorists. The article analyses the parallels between contemporary and past years historical events.
Journal: Психологични изследвания
- Issue Year: 11/2008
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 71-78
- Page Count: 7
- Language: Bulgarian