Evoluţii şi probleme ale catalogării în biblioteca contemporană
The Evolution and the Problems of Cataloguing
in Contemporary Librairies
Library science
Author(s): Letiția POPESCUSubject(s): Library and Information Science, Cataloguing, Classification, Library operations and management, Other
Published by: Biblioteca Județeană Mureș
Keywords: Libraria; Biblioteca Județeană Mureș; biblioteconomie; bibliologie; carte veche; carte bibliofilă; istorie locală; servicii de bibliotecă; Biblioteca Teleki; carte veche românească;
Summary/Abstract: It is well-known that the library inour days must evolve in order torespond the readers needs; that implies a better informational endowment.The process of informatisation may be divided into four stages: the Ostage refers to the lack of any modern informational mean; the 1st stage impliesthe automatization of public library services and the acces to OPAC (On LinePublic Acess Catalogue); the 2nd stage requires Internet connection not only for librarians, but also for the readers; the 3rd stage reffers to the existence ofvirtual library.The informational process in our country was obvious in the mostimportant librairies, such as: National Library, University Library, AcademicLibrary. Unfortunatelly, there are a lot of impediments linked to administrative,financial, mental, geographical, law problems etc. Sometimes, these problemshave been solved with the support of local communities.The process of informational development affected first of all thespecific services of the public library: Cataloguing, Evidence, Circulation,Aquisition.In modern librairies, we do no longer need the traditional cataloguecards, because the readers had no possibility to consult them outside thelibrary.The use of informational services in public librairies meant a stepforward in two ways: the informations are better organized and stored and canbe found in a faster and easier way; on the other hand, the readers are betterserved if they have computers and databases to help them.
Journal: Libraria. Studii și cercetări de bibliologie
- Issue Year: II/2003
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 64-69
- Page Count: 6
- Language: Romanian