Pastoral care at universities in the Czech republic, Poland and english-speaking countries in the context of societal changes after 1989 Cover Image

Pastoračná starostlivosť na vysokých školách v Česku, Poľsku a v anglicky hovoriacich krajinách v kontexte celospoločenských zmien po roku 1989
Pastoral care at universities in the Czech republic, Poland and english-speaking countries in the context of societal changes after 1989

Author(s): Ján Knapík
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Education, Theology and Religion, Higher Education , Pastoral Theology
Published by: VERBUM - vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Keywords: English-speaking countries; Czech Republic; Pastoral care; Poland; University; University student

Summary/Abstract: This study compares individual models of pastoral care in the university environment of the Czech Republic, Poland and English-speaking countries. These are three different models which arose on the basis of the differing historical, societal and political conditions of the different countries. While in the Czech Republic, pastoral care of university students was officially impossible during the age of totalitari-anism, in Poland it continued despite various restrictive measures on the part of the political authorities. In contras, in English-speaking countries there were no political limitations, though it significantly changed its focus under the influence of the secularization that began to be expressed in Western Europe in the period after the Second Vatican Council. In the context of political changes after 1989, pastoral ser-vices in the Czech Republic started from nothing, in Poland the church continued under freerconditions and the concept of pastoral care was maintained in English-speaking countries, but it significantly changed its content. The original content – carefor the spiritual good of students, was replaced by an effort to support the general well-being and psychological well-being of students so that they would have the best chance of achieving success and subjective satisfaction.

  • Issue Year: 8/2019
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 93-105
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Slovak
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