Generationally Diversified Labor Groups in Contemporary Labor Market. A Chance or a Threat for Organizations? Cover Image

Generationally Diversified Labor Groups in Contemporary Labor Market. A Chance or a Threat for Organizations?
Generationally Diversified Labor Groups in Contemporary Labor Market. A Chance or a Threat for Organizations?

Author(s): Rafał Muster
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences
Published by: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Keywords: labor market; generations; cooperation of individuals belonging to various age groups; aging of society

Summary/Abstract: Demographic changes connected with aging of Polish society shall determine the situation in the labor market to an ever-growing extent. The increase of average lifespan in combination with limited options of early retirement and smaller supply of employees shall lead to higher percentage of personnel aged 60 and more inside organizations. All these factors signify that more and more frequently contemporary companies shall function with personnel characterized by a truly large age gap. Undoubtedly, age of employees significantly influences their attitude to work, system of values, loyalty toward both the co-workers and the employer, as well their professional ambitions. In spite of these major differences, indi-viduals from various generations will be forced to cooperate in the same teams. This article presents partial results of empiric studies dealing with the issue of generational diversifica-tion of human resources conducted in local labor market of the city of Ruda Śląska, both among the employees and employers. Opinions of employees and employers concerning the quality of mutual cooperation of individuals characterized by large age differences have been analyzed and simultaneously potential opportunities for mutual learning of employees belonging to different age groups have been presented.

  • Issue Year: 49/2020
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 170-188
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: English
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